Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Unit Testing Asynchronous Web API Action Methods Using MS Test

Since Entity Framework now has a very nice support of performing all its actions asynchronously, the methods in the repositories in our projects will turn into asynchronous methods soon and so will be the code depending on it. Tom Fitzmacken did a nice job by putting together a tutorial on unit testing Web API 2 Controllers on official ASP.NET site. The tutorial discusses on testing synchronous action methods. The same techniques can be applied to test asynchronous action actions as well. In this post, we will see how easy it is to test asynchronous Web API action methods using MS Test.

I created a simple repository interface with just one method in it. The implementation class uses Entity Framework to get a list of contacts from the database.

public interface IRepository
    Task<IEnumerable<Contact>> GetAllContactsAsync();

public class Repository : IRepository
    ContactsContext context = new ContactsContext();

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Contact>> GetAllContactsAsync()
        return await context.Contacts.ToArrayAsync();

Following is the ASP.NET Web API controller that uses the above repository:
public class ContactsController : ApiController
    IRepository repository;

    public ContactsController() : this(new Repository())
    { }

    public ContactsController(IRepository _repository)
        repository = _repository;

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Contact>> GetContactsListAsync()
        IEnumerable<Contact> contacts;
            contacts = await repository.GetAllContactsAsync();
         catch (Exception)
         return contacts;

    public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetContactsHttpActionResultAsync()
        IEnumerable<Contact> contacts;

            contacts = await repository.GetAllContactsAsync();
        catch (Exception ex)
            return InternalServerError(ex);
        return Ok(contacts);

As we see, the controller has two action methods performing the same task, but  the way they return the results is different. Since both of the action methods respond to HTTP GET method, I used attribute routing to distinguish them. I used poor man’s dependency injection to instantiate the repository; it can be easily replaced using an IoC container.

Before writing unit tests for the above action methods, we need to create a mock repository.

public class MockRepository:IRepository
    List<Contact> contacts;

    public bool FailGet { get; set; }

    public MockRepository()
        contacts = new List<Contact>() {
            new Contact(){Id=1, Title="Title1", PhoneNumber="1992637281", CustomerId=1},
            new Contact(){Id=2, Title="Title2", PhoneNumber="9172735171", SupplierId=2},
            new Contact(){Id=3, Title="Title3", PhoneNumber="8361910353", CustomerId=2},
            new Contact(){Id=4, Title="Title4", PhoneNumber="7801274518", SupplierId=3}

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Contact>> GetAllContactsAsync()
        if (FailGet)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        await Task.Delay(1000);
        return contacts;

The property FailGet in the above class is used to force the mock to throw an exception. This is done just to cover more test cases.

In the test class, we need a TestInitialize method to arrange the objects needed for unit testing.

public class ContactsControllerTests
    MockRepository repository;
    ContactsController contactsApi;

    public void InitializeForTests()
        repository = new MockRepository();
        contactsApi = new ContactsController(repository);

Let us test the GetContactsListAsync method first. Testing this method seems to be straight forward, as it returns either a plain generic list or throws an exception. But the test method can’t just return void like other tests, as the method is asynchronous. To test an asynchronous method, the test method should also be made asynchronous and return a Task. Following test checks if the controller action returns a collection of length 4:
public async Task GetContacts_Should_Return_List_Of_Contacts() 
    var contacts = await contactsApi.GetContactsListAsync();
    Assert.AreEqual(contacts.Count(), 4);

If the repository encounters an exception, the exception is re-thrown from the GetContactsListAsync method as well. This case can be checked using the ExpectedException attribute.
public async Task GetContacts_Should_Throw_Exception()
    repository.FailGet = true;
    var contacts = await contactsApi.GetContactsListAsync();

Now let’s test the GetContactsHttpActionResultAsync method. Though this method does the same thing as the previous method, it doesn’t return the plain .NET objects. To test this method, we need to extract the result from the IHttpActionResult object obtained from the action method. Following test checks if the action result contains a collection when the repository is able to fetch results. Return type of Ok() method used above is OkNegotiatedContentResult. IHttpActionresult has to be converted to this type to check for the result obtained:
public async Task GetContactsHttpActionResult_Should_Return_HttpResult_With_Contacts()
    var contactsResult = await contactsApi.GetContactsHttpActionResultAsync() as OkNegotiatedContentResult<IEnumerable<Contact>>;

    Assert.AreEqual(contactsResult.Content.Count(), 4);

Similarly, in case of error, we are calling InternalServerError() method to return the exception for us. We need to convert the result to ExceptionResult type to be able to check the type of exception thrown. It is shown below:
public async Task GetContactsHttpActionResult_Should_Return_HttpResult_With_Exception()
    repository.FailGet = true;
    var contactsResult = await contactsApi.GetContactsHttpActionResultAsync() as ExceptionResult;

Happy coding!


  1. Thanks alot for the post! I was struggling to test my web api 2 async controllers.

  2. Thank you, Rabi - this is exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate that you showed this in 2 different ways.


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