Saturday, 13 June 2015

Everything You Need to Know to Unit Test AngularJS Code

Unit testing is one of the crucial and necessary parts of software development. This phase improves the quality of product, assures accuracy in behavior and also reduces the cost involved in fixing the bugs. There are some good advantages for a developer writing unit tests as well.

AngularJS is one of the most popular framework for building Single Page Applications. One of the key reasons behind its success is, testability. Every piece of code written in AngularJS is unit testable. The features like Dependency Injection make the code written on the framework easier to test.

In the past, I wrote a few posts on unit testing AngularJS controller using Jasmine and QUnit and I also covered a few tips. Over past two years, I worked a lot on AngularJS and thus I wrote a lot of code and tests. This process taught me a lot of tips on unit testing AngularJS code that I wanted to share with the community. As some of you might be aware that I am a regular author for SitePoint, I have put together a series of four articles covering tips on mocking and testing almost every block in AngularJS. Following are the links to these articles:

  1. Mocking Dependencies in AngularJS Tests
  2. Unit Testing in AngularJS: Services, Controllers & Providers
  3. AngularJS Testing Tips: Testing Directives
  4. AngularJS Testing: Bootstrap Blocks, Routes, Events, and Animations

The process of putting these articles together has not been easy for me and at the same time, I enjoyed a lot while writing them. Read them when you get time and feel free to drop any feedback to me.

Happy coding!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,I am using Jasmine and chutzpah for testing a windows UWP app developed using angular and winjs, but i am not able to test the native app features like File Handling (using Windows.Storage.FileIO methods), as windows is undefined since the unit tests run on browser. How can i unit test the native app features?


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