Thursday, 25 December 2014

Automating Tasks in Front-end Web Apps Using Gulp

As we started writing a lot of JavaScript and CSS these days, front-end development has matured like anything. We create hundreds of JavaScript source files to make our code organized; but finally we need to ship just one JavaScript file and one CSS file while deploying the application. This conversion is not easy; as it involves several steps like running tests, validating against jshint, concatenating, minifying, uglifying and many other tasks. Thankfully, we have a number of automated task runners and a handful of plugins on each of these task runners to make these tasks easier.

Out of the existing task runners, Grunt and Gulp are most widely used. I use Grunt a lot these days. Though I haven’t blogged about it, I used it in some of my SitePoint articles. Lately, Gulp is becoming more famous. Gulp uses a different approach to address the same problem that Grunt addresses. Let’s see how we can leverage Gulp to automate our tasks.

Gulp is a task runner based on Node.js. It uses streams to carry its tasks. The way Gulp works is, it accepts a source (can be a file, or a set of files), processes them based on a task and passes it to the next task in the pipe for further processing. The pipes continues processing till the last task. Following is the syntax of a typical Gulp task:

gulp.task('task-name', function () {
  return gulp.src([source paths])

Tasks piped in the above Gulp task are tasks loaded using Gulp plugins. Gulp has a huge number of plugins contributed and actively developed by community, which makes it a very good ecosystem. To be able to use Gulp in your project, you need to have it installed globally and locally. Run the following commands in a command prompt to get Gulp installed:

  • npm installed –g gulp
  • npm installed gulp --save-dev (To be ran in your project folder)

Let’s write a Gulp task for cleaning distribution files and regenerating them after concatenating and minifying. For this, we need the following Gulp plugins:

  • gulp-clean
  • gulp-concat
  • gulp-uglify

These can be installed using the following nom commands:
  • npm install gulp-clean --save-dev
  • npm install gulp-concat --save-dev
  • npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev

Add a file to the project and rename it to Gulpfile.js. Load the Gulp tasks in this file:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    clean = require('gulp-clean');

Before generating the files to be deployed, let’s clean the folder. Following task does this:

gulp.task('clean', function () {
    return gulp.src(['dist'])

Now, let’s create a bundle task that concatenates all JS files, uglifies them and copies inside a folder to be distributed. Following is the task:

gulp.task('bundle', function () {
  return gulp.src(['public/src/*.js'])

The folder public/src contains all JS files of the application. They are concatenated into one file and the contents are then uglified and finally we call the dest task to copy the resultant file to destination, which is the dist folder.

These two tasks can be combined into one task as follows:

gulp.task('createDist', ['clean', 'bundle']);

Now, if you run the following command, you will have the combined.js file created inside dist folder.

gulp createDist

To make a task default, name of the task has to be default.

gulp.task('default', ['clean', 'bundle']);

To run this task, you can run gulp command without passing names of any tasks to it.

We will see explore more features of Gulp in future posts.

Happy coding!


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